Applications of Dual Fuel Kits

Dual Fuel conversions are used mainly for Power Generation and Transportation applications.

Power Generation



Harmful emissions caused by use of Diesel engines for backup power in multistoried residential apartments can be mitigated by use of Dual Fuel Kit. What more, it can also save money! Good for the physical and financial health of the resident families.

Industrial backup Power

Harmful emissions caused by use of Diesel engines for backup power in industrial plants can be mitigated by use of Dual Fuel Kit. Since the no. sizes of the engines in industrial plants are often very large, the savings are huge. It also reduces the carbon foot print of the establishment.

Oil and Gas

Natural gas available at On/Off shore oil/gas rigs can be put to good use for auxiliary power by converting Diesel engines to Dual Fuel operation. Workover rigs can use them much after with the active lives of the wells.


Mining Tipper Trucks

Giant mining tipper trucks are ideal targets for mitigating harmful emission and cutting cost by Duel Fueling the diesel engines that drive them. While use of CNG for them is normal, even on board LNG storage is possible.


Railway locomotives from 1300-4400 HP range for passenger traffic and freight haulage can be retrofitted with Dual Fuel Kit. Trains can easily carry CNG or even LNG to increase the travel distances

Road Transportation

Long haul trucks, buses and midsize ships, barges currently using diesel engines for propulsion can be fitted with Dual Fuel Kit. With urban vehicular air pollution reaching alarming levels, switching to Dual Fueling is a great option. Switching completely to gas engines is not possible because of the load characteristics and foot print of the Gas engines.

Water Transportation

Midsize ships, barges currently using diesel engines for Propulsion on board Auxiliary Power can be fitted with Dual Fuel Kit. Since these engines run 24X7, the savings are substantial.